Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
How Is Contractors General Liability Insurance Different From Standard Commercial Liability Insurance?
Posted: June 19, 2020
Any business needs general liability insurance. Contractors, subcontractors, and independent tradesmen need this type of coverage, not only to protect their business, but often as a requirement for the job. Trades that need contractors general liability insurance include construction, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, painters, and masons. What Is Standard Commercial Liability Insurance? Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance protects a business from financial loss due to liability...
Avoid Common Home Accidents During The Summer
Posted: June 16, 2020
Summer is the season of outdoor adventures such as swimming, boating, and trips. It is also a time when many minor or more serious accidents can occur. The following tips can help you keep your family and friends safer by preventing some common summertime home accidents and injuries. Sunburn Damage from the sun is one of the most common injuries during the warmer months. Severe...
I'm Young & Healthy: Do I Really Need Life Insurance?
Posted: June 7, 2020
If you’re young and healthy, you may think it’s too early to buy life insurance. The truth is, buying life insurance young can save you money – lots of it. Purchasing a life insurance policy in your 20s or 30s is a smart move, even if you don’t believe you need it yet. Younger Equals Cheaper When It Comes To Life Insurance Buying life insurance...
Will Special Event Insurance Cover My Event?
Posted: June 4, 2020
Hosting an event such as a wedding can be a costly undertaking. Special event insurance is designed to protect your investment. It can help cover your costs in case you need to cancel unexpectedly (if the bride or groom gets cold feet, for example). It can also help protect you from liability for injury or property damage caused during your event. When Do You Need...
Applying For Collector Car Insurance? Make Sure You Take These Steps Beforehand
Posted: June 1, 2020
Unlike most vehicles, collector cars appreciate in value. This means specialized insurance requirements for these vehicles. If you are becoming a classic car owner, you need to know the following before purchasing a collector car insurance policy. Eligibility For Collector Car Insurance Classic or Antique Vehicle To qualify for collector car insurance, your vehicle must meet one of the following two conditions: Antique vehicle: For...